Should you use SiteGround?

If you’re choosing a new host you should know all the details first.

SiteGround has had a lot of buzz lately and for good reason. They have topped every single chart in terms of speed, uptime and quality of hosting. Everyone seems to be switching over to SiteGround. They are easily the crowd favorite here and as you can see have won a lot of fans over in the social media world. If you want to start making passive money online, this is the optimum host.

As far as as a best service, I don’t think anyone would disagree in saying SiteGround is the best. They boast speed specifications that are unparalleled in the industry today.

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  • SSD’s on all plans (Solid State Drives) This creates a 1000x increase in input/output operation compared to normal drives.
  •  NGINX server speed. NGINX speeds up static content.
  • Custom SuperCacher. Speeds up dynamic content dramatically.
  • Free CDN. They cache your content prior so that when someone around the other side of the world wants to see your content, they have the closest web server giving your new client your content extremely fast.
  • HTTP/2. A new network protocol that significantly speeds up loading times. They are 1 of few who currently have this.
  • Free SSL. SSL is crucial for securing your website, and helps your sites SEO. Not to mention protects you from MitM attacks.
  • PHP7. While some hosting providers remain in the safe zone, SiteGround is on the cutting edge of tech. Considering WordPress uses PHP, this speeds up your site even more so. Speed not only lets your content be shown faster, but will help your website rank higher.

With over 2,000,000 domains, and 99.99% uptime, and being recommended by WordPress themselves SiteGround is the current top dog in hosting providers. 

If I was getting started today, I would choose SiteGround as my hosting. Plain and simple. They are the best.


Get started with SiteGround !

About me !

Hey! I’m William. I create content to help others free themselves financially. I use the affiliate money to continue to pay for my websites so I can help others learn to make money as well.The internet is a great tool, and I think it’s best to learn to use it. Shoot me an email if you have any questions about any of my guides! Have fun making passive money while you sleep.





Web Hosting